
Friday, May 21, 2004

Uuf Kya Jaadoo Mohabbat Hai 

Boy meets girl. And after a bit of trouble, boy gets girl. Would a plot like that still draw an audience to the theatre? Perhaps, if done with panache, but Manoj Bhatia bungs in every cliché possible into an already overused subject, making his Uuf Kya Jaadoo Mohabbat Hai an ordeal to watch.

Rich girl Pari (Pooja) goes to study in a Shimla college, and meets dance teacher Yash (Sammir) and his partner Anna (Mini Tiwari). At first they reject her friendship because she is rich, but she convinces them that she is not snooty like her evil relative Yuvraj (Aziz).

Like the romantic films of yore, Yuvraj wants to marry Pari for her wealth and does not like her growing affection for Yash – which neither Anna, nor Pari’s rich dad (Sachin Khedekar) mind.

So Yuvraj seduces Anna, and juxtaposes Yash’s face on the pix to mislead Pari. Anna gets pregnant and goes into a coma (why?) while everybody goes gaga over the computer generated photos. In movies, it never occurs to anyone to ask who took the picture and why? Or how come Yash and Anna are in Yuvraj’s ornate bedroom?

The film goes on interminably in this silly vein, and ends as and when expected. Though in this day and age, getting first year students married seems odd!

The new lead pair is bland looking, and since they are not required to do anything more than look “cute” (excessively so!), there is no way to gauge their talent.

It’s all very well for the Rajshris to aim for clean family entertainment – though some of the costumes in this one could raise eyebrows—but can’t their story department come up with new ideas?


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